Home Field

PAlestine, Encampments,

and campus futures

Since the advent of the war on Gaza in October 2023, university students in the US and beyond have organized a protest movement of campus-wide sit-ins, occupations, and encampments decrying the Israeli military’s actions in Palestine, as well as institutional complicity. As an online space devoted to North American ethnography, Home/Field invites individuals involved in or witness to the protests to submit short-form works – e.g. essays, fieldnotes, interviews, poems, or multimodal pieces – reflecting emergent themes from the university campus, including but not limited to the:


  • Institutional, social, and discursive responses to the student protests
  • Geographies of solidarity between North America and Palestine, including Palestinian universities
  • Shifts in student understandings of, and demands on, the university
  • Relations between the campus and the broader community surrounding or impacted by universities
  • The evolution of mutual aid and mutual defense tactics
  • The significance of diaspora, return, or crossings for pro-Palestinian and anti-Zionist organizing 
  • The future of campus organizing as the war continues 


We welcome submissions until August 15, 2024. Works may be in the range of 300-1000 words – for anything longer please contact us with a pitch. For inquiries and submissions, feel free to contact us at homefieldsubmission@gmail.com.


Home/Field (https://www.homefieldanthro.org/) is a space for ethnographers of North America to contend with pressing issues and explore what anthropology as a discipline – methodology, theory, praxis, ethics, and more – can contribute to the imagination and enactment of a more just world. 


Editorial Guidelines: As student movements have continued to negotiate or escalate with their universities and militarized police forces occupy their campuses, we at Home/Field offer authors the use of pseudonyms for themselves, names of others, cities, and universities, as well as a nimble editorial response time. 

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